1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the federatedfandom.net moderators.

  1. No hate speech.
  2. Don't be a dick. If you are, mods reserve the right to talk to you, suspend you temporarily, or suspend you permanently, in that order.
  3. Self-promotion is fine but you should be fannish or friends with folks on this server. Do not join to promote commercial content.
  4. Sexual content depicting characters who are not sexually mature is banned. "Underage" is a fungible category, we know this, do not post any content that could be described as shota/lolicon/etc. Prior to performing any account limiting activities, mods will contact you to discuss.
  5. If you don't like what you are seeing, block or mute, report if it violates the rules, move on. Do not harass users about ship preferences in any way. NOTE: discussion of racism, homophobia, etc in fandom does not constitute harassment.
  6. This is a server for the girls & the gays & seeks to provide a trans-inclusive, anti-racist space. We are not a space for right-wing fans.
  7. By joining this server you are asserting that you are legally an adult in your country of residence.
  8. Please use your best judgement when posting NSFW or other sensitive content such as posts about political violence, screenshots of right-wingers, etc. NSFW images must be marked as sensitive and a CW should be used.
  9. Username format: Usernames can be alphanumeric and have underscores but dashes and other special characters are not allowed. This is enforced at the Mastodon software level so it's not a "rule" but we want you to know before you try to sign up. Thanks!
  10. "AI" content is not permitted. Anything generated by an LLM or image service such as Stable Diffusion, ChatGPT, etc is disallowed on this server. (Also, "AI" is fake. The computer is not talking to you or making its own art; it is using stolen content, hence the ban.)