Decentralized social media powered by Mastodon
Welcome to Federated Fandom! We are a Mastodon instance focused on fandom, run by @imp and @kate.
You can support Federated Fandom on Patreon. Our hosting costs are around $90/month; this includes generous disc space to allow us to grow.
We have daily automatic backups from our hosting provider. We also encourage you to make use of Mastodon's native data backup features, which you can find in "Import and export" under "Preferences" in the web app.
We use a cloud hosting provider. Users can expect at least 24 hours' notice for planned downtime such as upgrades, and 1 months' notice should be instance be unavailable for a significant period of time (major migration, permanent shutdown).
Our server's blocklist is available to logged-in users. If you have questions about a URL or are trying to follow someone from a blocked instance, please email or DM one of the admins to discuss. We are trying to provide a pleasant environment for everyone but obviously the nature of implementing a blocklist means we might've caught some friendlies.
All new moderation actions will be announced via @masto_admin and discussed on Discord. We are still working out our policy on how to collect feedback for moderation decisions, but please do talk to us if you have any questions or feedback: we are here to help and want you to have a good time.
You can find our Discord invite here.
In general, we don't want to limit servers that our users find valuable. The below describes criteria we use when deciding whether or not to limit a server. We discuss these limits on Discord and will not limit if a majority of our users do not want us to.
We will block servers which engage in harassing behavior or share illegal/dangerous content. Blocking removes all content from our server and prevents our users from finding or following accounts on the blocked server.