Not exactly a ranty whine - but maybe a bit of one ...
Well - the stress levels in the building are rising dramatically
tenants are sniping at one another and about one another, families are fighting as they help their parents and grandparents pack up -- it's really difficult for me to witness.
I am barely holding on to my own cool as I have to deal with so! many! people! every day as I prep myself for moving out next week. #AuDHD overload.
I am now unsure of how much to take because the hotel has the right to move us from apartment to apartment during our 4-6 month stay 
I barely slept last night because I didn't remember to take my pain meds until it was too late. So I now have many 4am lists.
I asked my contact at the housing authority for a lease amendment to get everything in writing - and she said we didn't need one. Oh my - au contraire my dear. So I have to decide if I have the spoons to push it.
It's a lot. I want to hide under the covers until it all goes away (it's not going to go away