Drama Tea<p><strong>Kill My Sins review</strong></p><p>Kill My Sins stood out to me because it is an original script and is played by more mature actors. This is unique in the realm of Chinese costumed dramas.</p><p><strong>Tip: </strong>You can read my episode-by-episode <a href="https://dramatea88.wordpress.com/2025/03/10/kill-my-sins-episode-recaps-and-analysis-lots-of-spoilers/" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">detailed analysis of Kill My Sins</a> while watching it.</p><p><strong>The story</strong></p><p>The wandering physician Ye Ping An arrives in Chang’an to set up a clinic where she quickly earns a reputation as a witch for her mysterious treatments. When she gets accused of murder, the ruthless magistrate Yuan Shao Cheng, a low-born man who is quickly rising the ranks of power, sets his eyes on her. But he doesn’t realise that this is part of Ping An’s 18-year journey of revenge.</p><p><strong>Characters</strong></p><p><strong>Ye Ping An (played by Liu Shi Shi):</strong> A physician specializing in psychological conditions, but seen as a witch by most.</p><p><strong>Yuan Shao Cheng (played by Shawn Dou</strong>): A ruthless official in the Justice department who is eager to cement his power and gain more power.</p><p><strong>Wu An Kang (played by Zheng Ye Cheng</strong>): An accomplished general who is loyal to the Emperor, and is a scion of the prominent Wu family.</p><p><strong>Lu Dan Xin (played by Xuan Lu</strong>): Ping’an’s loyal friend and fellow sleuth who is focused on seeking revenge.</p><p><strong>Cai Lan (played by Ding Jie):</strong> Another friend of Ping’an who is also seeking justice for wronged women.</p><p><strong>What I liked</strong></p>Yuan Shaocheng and his glorious cloaks!<ol><li><strong>Complex villains</strong>: I appreciated that the villains were layered and multidimensional.</li><li><strong>Strong female lead character</strong>: Ping’an’s character is a unique female character and there should be more strong women like her in Chinese dramas.</li><li><strong>Equal relationship between the male and female protaganists</strong>: I love the equal and balanced relationship between Yuan Shaochen and Ping’an. They really regarded as equals in intelligence and ability and have such healthy regard for each other’s abilities. I loved how they just trusted each other to make the right (or wrong) decisions.</li><li><strong>Original script</strong>: This is based on an original script, not adapted from a webnovel! And with a plot this complex, I’m impressed. I hope that the producers were not discouraged by the less-than-ideal viewership and would continue to create dramas like these. (FYI, some of the producers created In Blossom, which is also an original script.)</li><li><strong>Production quality:</strong> The camera work and art direction are excellent. Fans of <em>Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty</em> will recognize the signature style, which I really appreciate.</li></ol><p><strong>What I didn’t like</strong></p><ol><li><strong>Overwhelming narrative</strong>: The narrative feels very confusing, even for someone like me who usually doesn’t struggle with heavy, detailed dramas like <em>We Are Criminal Police</em>. There are too many details and characters to keep track of, and it’s easy to feel lost.</li><li><strong>Lack of emotional anchor at the start of the drama</strong>: In the first few episodes of the drama, the story was told in a way that doesn’t give me a strong emotional connection to the characters. Why should I care about their revenge or their traumatic pasts? The flashbacks were also frustratingly vague, offering only glimpses instead of a full narrative. For example, I wish there had been a proper flashback episode showing how the three girls met during the fire and how Yuan is connected to them. This would have helped establish a stronger emotional foundation.</li><li><strong>Convenient plot twists</strong>: The plot sometimes feels too convenient, with twists and turns that rely heavily on things going exactly as Ping’an expects. It feels like the plot has “plot armour”.</li><li><strong>Exhausting to watch</strong>: This drama is not an easy watch. It’s heavy, with its themes of death, revenge, and abuse, and it requires a lot of mental energy to keep up with all the details. After a tough day at work, I often find myself reaching for something lighter, like <em>Love of the Divine Tree</em>, where I can just zone out and enjoy the pretty visuals.</li><li><strong>Not relaxing</strong>: This drama is definitely not relaxing. It’s exhausting to watch, especially when I’m already busy and tired. I don’t blame people for dropping it because it demands so much attention and emotional investment.</li></ol><p><strong>Thoughts about the ending</strong></p>> Click to reveal ending<p>Kill My Sins ended very satisfyingly, with most threads tied, and our hero and heroine safe after achieving their goals. One can’t wish for more! (Well, okay, maybe a less rushed story.)</p><p>Sure, I wished romance happened between them, but I think they would’ve gotten into each other’s way. I think love would’ve complicated their already difficult missions and it would’ve made it almost typical in terms of plot.</p><p><strong>Conclusion</strong></p><p>Ultimately, this drama is a tale of how people who started out with honourable intentions, who can be defined as “good” people, ended up losing their way and causing much evil.</p><p>Sure, this drama was topsy-turvy in many ways, with the first 7 episodes being so overwhelming that those not committed to figuring out the tale ended up dropping off.</p><p>I also think original scripts like these should be celebrated.</p><p>For so long, Cdramaland depended on webnovels to adapt, and this is something I grieved. Because, honestly, not every webnovel should be turned into a TV series.</p><p>Although this drama wasn’t perfect, it showed us that CDramaland is still capable of producing original, non-webnovel adapted work, so I hope they continue to produce these.</p><p><strong>Final rating: 8</strong></p><p></p><p><a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="hashtag u-tag u-category" href="https://dramatea88.wordpress.com/tag/cdrama/" target="_blank">#CDrama</a> <a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="hashtag u-tag u-category" href="https://dramatea88.wordpress.com/tag/cdramas/" target="_blank">#CDramas</a> <a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="hashtag u-tag u-category" href="https://dramatea88.wordpress.com/tag/chinese-drama/" target="_blank">#ChineseDrama</a> <a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="hashtag u-tag u-category" href="https://dramatea88.wordpress.com/tag/costumed-drama/" target="_blank">#CostumedDrama</a> <a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="hashtag u-tag u-category" href="https://dramatea88.wordpress.com/tag/kill-my-sins/" target="_blank">#KillMySins</a> <a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="hashtag u-tag u-category" href="https://dramatea88.wordpress.com/tag/liu-shi-shi/" target="_blank">#LiuShiShi</a> <a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="hashtag u-tag u-category" href="https://dramatea88.wordpress.com/tag/shaun-dou/" target="_blank">#ShaunDou</a> <a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="hashtag u-tag u-category" href="https://dramatea88.wordpress.com/tag/tv/" target="_blank">#TV</a></p>