A thing I know I've seen and I thought I'd posted a link here, but apparently I did not:
A youtube show where #Seungmin and one other member were guests (I can't remember who the other member was -- maybe Changbin, maybe I.N, my memory isn't great and sometimes different interviews get jumbled up in there).
It might have been around 2020 or 2021. Edited to add: it was in October 2022, when they were promoting #Maxident, and the other member was #changbin.
The host asked the 2 members how they'd confess to a girl they liked. I'm sure the host specified a girl, because I rolled my eyes, and also noted that both the members did *not* specify the gender of the person when they demonstrated how they'd confess.
Seungmin said something like "Can I be your puppy?"
(The video settings meant that I couldn't grab a clip at the time. I know I saved the link to a timestamp in the video, but I don't know *where* I saved the link.)