You know what would be a genuinely cool #Krampus #horror movie?
One of those #folk horror movies where some American tourists get stranded on an #Alpine Alm cottage just at the beginning of December.
Broken cars, no cell service, everybody is stressed and the only people speaking both German and English are a) the American #Folklore nerd and b) the girl he and his friends met at the Uni of Innsbruck and who invited them to her grandfather's Alm
They have to hike down to a tiny village to find somebody to repair their car or take them back to civilization but then early and severe snowfall traps them in that village
There are a handful of friendly young men with really bad English there, otherwise nearly everybody in the village is old and really doesn't like Amis.
The boys are extremely disappointed that they won't be able to get to the next bigger village where the Krampus run will be on the 5th. They show the Amis their masks while the American folklore nerd explains the significance of Schiachperchten (horribly mispronouncing it)
Then the masks start vanishing, and the local boys accuse the Americans of stealing them. This is a gigantic problem bc these masks are like 150 years old
Then the local boys start disappearing.
Anybody want to guess what exactly is happening here?