Okay, so, apparently I never pimped my participation to the #12monthsofmurder / #12monthsofkilling event? Anyhoo, in a a nutshell: pick a character and then kill them once a month as per prompted. Permanent MCD only, no resurrections or presumed dead.
I picked #TheWitcher and #Jaskier (sorry, Jaskier), and decided to write a one-shot collection as one fic.
12 ways to put a bard down
Chapter one, January: Canon Compliant
Geralt/Jaskier pre-relationship. POV Jaskier.
Cause of death: concussion, intracranial bleeding.
575 words.
#fanfiction #TheWitcher #geraskier
Chapter two, February: Never meet your heroes
Established geraskier. POV second person, POV outsider
Cause of death: choking, 2918 words.
#fanfiction #TheWitcher #geraskier
Welp, forgot about this again...
Chapter three, March: Stalker
Geralt/Jaskier early/developing relationship. POV Geralt.
Cause of death: slit throat
1461 words
#fanfiction #TheWitcher #geraskier
Chapter four, April: Crossover kills
Established geraskier. POV Jaskier.
Cause of death: Dr. Strange *shrug*
2215 words.
(What is the canon where Wong and Dr. Strange come from? How should I know!
Let’s assume it’s some sort of bastardisation of Multiverse Madness side universe dark!Strange something something, okay? Okay, cool.)
#fanfiction #TheWitcher #geraskier
Chapter five, May: Dictionary death*
Jaskier & Yennefer, POV Yennefer.
Cause of death: poison
1564 words
*The idea was to open your Dictionary, find a word that starts with the first letter of your name, and ends with the last letter of your name. This word must play a key role in how your character is killed.
#fanfiction #TheWitcher
Chapter six, June: Friendly fire
Established geraskier. POV Vesemir
Cause of death: Lambert (massive head trauma)
997 words
#fanfiction #TheWitcher #geraskier
Chapter seven, July: Keeps coming back, until they don't
Geralt/Jaskier pre-relationship, post dragon mountain. POV Jaskier
Cause of death: a broken heart
1298 words
Chapter eight, August: Collateral Damage
Post-S2, Ciri & Jaskier. POV Ciri.
Cause of death: Ciri
856 words
(original prompt 13 reasons why, this is an alternate prompt)
Chapter nine, September: Music Death
Geralt/Jaskier developing relationship. POV Geralt.
Cause of death: Geralt
1859 words
Based on Sonata Arctica's Full Moon
Chapter ten, October: Test subject
Geralt/Jaskier pre-relationship. Post-dragon mountain. POV Geralt.
Cause of death: torture
377 words
(original prompt survives guilt which... makes no sense)
Chapter eleven, November: Conversations with death
Geralt/Jaskier pre-relationship. POV Death
Cause of death: well…Death
504 words
Chapter twelve, December: Betrayal
Alternate take on S2/the Sandpiper arc. POV Jaskier
Cause of death: Rience, burning/torture (off-screen)
703 words
(original prompt "behind the scene")