About to start watching #TheLongBallad with groupwatch! I missed episodes 1 and 2 last week, but I think I know what I need to to jump in now. I’ve heard great things, so I’m excited.
Oh, this is great so far (episode 3). I’m grateful to be watching with a group who can fill me in on which character is which when I know vaguely what’s going on, but on the screen they’re still ‘young guy in beige’, ‘mega-tall young guy’ and ‘seemingly-evil advisor 1 of n’ to me.
“Why does the group keep calling this dude ershu? … oh, right, he’s the main character’s 二叔.” I am slow on the uptake sometimes.
Nothing against Tang-style costumes, but it’s definitely easier to keep the characters apart once half of them are wearing Hu clothing and aren’t all wearing the same hat.
#TheLongBallad episodes 5 and 6 today! So far in the chat, @Forestofglory has complained about historically-inaccurate tea and @coreo has provided us with Luoyang Facts. It’s a good group and we are on our bullshit.
Just watched episodes 7 and 8 of #TheLongBallad and I’m still enjoying everything about it—currently that especially includes the interaction between Li Leyan and Hao Du. Watching her put on the act of a whiny, childish princess to prevent this tall scary man from [redacted] is very entertaining.
(Said tall scary man is also hot, scowly and lethally skilled in martial arts, and I am definitely watching this show for the historical education it provides.)
Our #TheLongBallad group watch has finally got to the appearance of Situ Langlang! He and his master are so cute and fun together, and it’s so nice to see Liu Haikuan having a good time.
Never mind that literally everything else in the show is pain and devastation right now, ahaha…