Hey other Blind folks, what native software do you use to listen to internet radio stations on the Windows desktop and iPhone? @mastoblind @main #Radio #Accessibility #A11y
Hey other Blind folks, what native software do you use to listen to internet radio stations on the Windows desktop and iPhone? @mastoblind @main #Radio #Accessibility #A11y
Ugh, I hate to admit this, but due to accessibility needs I was forced to return to Windows. Of course, first thing I had to do was tweak privacy settings to try and cut down on its tracking bullshit. Just one too many minor accessibility issues with Linux to make it useable for me right now... #A11Y #Accessibility #Blind
Saying "No-one using our service has accessibility needs" is a bit like saying "We don't need a ramp, no-one in a wheelchair has ever come up the stairs".
Massachusetts is looking for a summer Accessibility Intern. Paid. Mostly remote, some office. Preference given for applications received by 26 March - don't dillydally!
Hey #a11y-Bubble, wie schaut's denn jetzt ganz praktisch aus mit EU-Richtlinie in DE und AT?
1. Barrierefreiheitserklärung auf Unterseite packen - Pflicht?
2. Wer darf Verstöße wo melden?
3. Strafen?
4. Wie oft nachprüfen?
5. Übergangsfrist gilt?
Able to Play, a game repository that helps you find games that match your accessibility needs, just launched!
For gamedevs/game requests: Here's some info on how to make a game available on there:
It's still a young platform, so please give them lots of feedback to help improve it!
In addition to adding #GoToSocial support, TW Blue also added some awesome things like filter support for Mastodon, etc! Check it out at https://github.com/MCV-Software/TWBlue/releases/latest #Fediverse #Mastodon #Accessibility #A11y @mastoblind
I made the thread into a post so you can share it with your social media manager or your mom or whatever:
“Don’t Use Fake Bold or Italic in Social Media”
Imagine your local government sends this:
𝑇𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑖 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔: 𝗠𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗶𝗴𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗹𝘆. Updates to come in the next hour. Stay calm.
Now imagine the impact on screen reader users.
End of thread.
Hello les gens doués en accessibilité !
J'ai une question.
Imaginez un site avec 2 colonnes. A gauche, une colonne avec une liste de liens, comme un flux RSS par exemple.
À droite un panneau pour voir le lien sur lequel on a cliqué.
Si je tabule, je tombe dans le panneau de gauche et je suis potentiellement en scroll infini. Je ne pourrai jamais aller dans le panneau de droite pour par exemple ouvrir un lien qui se situe dans le texte ou partager l'article (admettons qu'un bouton partager soit aussi dans le panneau de droite).
C'est quoi la solution pour ça ? Je pourrais "faire demi-tour" en parcourant à l'envers et alors je passerais par le footer puis je me retrouverais à droite mais c'est complètement débile.
Merci ! Si vous avez des articles qui parlent de ça aussi, n'hésitez pas à me les mettr en commentaires !
N'hésitez pas à retooter également, ça m'aide !
J'en profite pour dire, l'envie vous prendra peut-être de tagger une personne bien connue ici qui est douée en accessibilité et dont c'est le métier, ça me gêne un peu, ne faites donc pas ça. Non pas que je n'aime pas ses réponses, au contraire je les adore. Mais j'ai l'impression que tout le monde la tag tout le temps pour lui demander son avis et ça lui fait une sorte de travail monstre. Si elle voit et qu'elle répond, c'est très bien mais je n'ai pas envie que sa présence sur Mastodon ça soit 50% de notifs de gens qui lui disent "hey tu dois savoir ?".
Edit: j'ai trouvé ça https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/feed_role
Le role feed, j'imagine que c'est la solution ?
@librewolf @Stealthy So, time for the all important question, at least for me and other blind folks. Does LibreWolf have the same level of accessibility for screen readers as FireFox? If not, why? I have to ask, as I’d rather not waste my time on an inaccessible web browser, and I imagine other screen reader users like myself would agree. #A11Y #Accessibility #Blind #ScreenReader
Those two videos account for ~78% of primary screen reader use (https://webaim.org/projects/screenreadersurvey10/#primary) so I’m stopping there for today.
Anyway, this is not new information: https://adrianroselli.com/2018/01/improving-your-tweet-accessibility.html#Unicode
And please don’t reflexively blame screen readers:
JAWS 2025 / Chrome 133.
Announces each fake bold and fake italic letter individually, including its case and style.
NVDA 2024.4.2 / Firefox 135.
Doesn’t announce the fake bold nor fake italic.
Honestly, out of all Linux FLOSS things that get funded by public grants, accessibility should be the priority.
People have complained how inaccessible Linux is for them (even when everything works, not mentioning drive failures like in the linked post) for too long.
What's the state of #matrix, #xmpp and #IRC as far as #screenReader -accessible clients are concerned? Desktop (Windows, Mac) and mobile (iOS, Android).
Hoping for some input, please feel free to boost. As far as I know:
Matrix does not have a lightweight, fully accessible client for desktop, but one could be modified, such as #gomuks. On mobile, Element has scrolling issues, which is unacceptable for large rooms.
XMPP has accessible desktop clients (I used to run #Adium on the Mac), also #WeeChat. No idea about mobile.
IRC is perhaps the one which everything supports on desktop, from #MirandaIM through Weechat to the old Freedom Chat, which I could probably rewrite if I had to. Also not sure about mobile, but it would definitely need push notifications, because we can't expect people to stay constantly online on the go. #a11y #accessibility
This ruling shows that title 2 of the ADA still matters. https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/USCOURTS-lamd-3_24-cv-00219/USCOURTS-lamd-3_24-cv-00219-0 #Accessibility #Law #Legal #A11y
Jakob Nielsen has walked back his claim from last year that ‘genAI’ will solve accessibility. Now he says that intelligent agents will moot all accessibility by 2030.
I link to a Wayback version of his post from here:
Deque says “AI” will help to “automate 100% of accessibility”. That’s bullshit.
The automated transcript of the talk where they say it cannot figure out that they talk about “axe” and writes “X” instead.
Oh, and instead of “Deque“, the transcript says “TC”.
100% of accessibility errors! “AI”! Sure.
(Also they chose to not afford human transcribers. A multi-million dollar company. Because f those disabled people.)