I like to think I’m a decent dad.
I don’t care if my kids grow up to be Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic. So long as they grow up to be Good.
I like to think I’m a decent dad.
I don’t care if my kids grow up to be Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic. So long as they grow up to be Good.
Campaign 91 #dnd
This is the story of...
Campaign 90 #dnd
This is the legend of...
Campaign 89 #dnd
This is the story of...
In Richard Garriott's DND1 written in BASIC in 1977, I thought this bit of code was interesting.
It would be Death Saves for HP in more modern discourse.
If the characters's HP are 0, the character survives if their CONSTITUTION is 9 or above.
If the characters' HP are below 0, the character survives if their CONSTITUTION is 9 or above, but they lose 2 points of CONSTITUTION and gain 1 hit point.
This was only 3 or 4 years after D&D had been introduced to the world.
My #ose (that's old-school #dnd but you can use it for your game of choice) scenario The Magonium Mine Murders is a zine I have a complex relationship with. I think it's good, but there are bits I'm not 100% satisfied with in the presentation. Still, I think the scenario is fun and I love Ed Bickford's cover. So I'm putting it on sale!
£5 physical copies on my Gumroad store: https://jholloway.gumroad.com/l/magonium
$2 or even free digital copies on @itchio : https://james-holloway.itch.io/the-magonium-mine-murders
...I could have _sworn_ there were some "random NPC name" tables in the #DnD 5E rulebooks (old version), but I can't find them any more.
Can anyone help me out here?
Conjure forth the blogs for the weekly r/osr blogroll!
Purple Glitterfest, dice filled with chunky glitter and inked in teal.
Lol, I'm totally giving my research loving player in our #DnD campaign access to a very slow fantasy internet
Sundered Space. Been playing with how different holographic glitters act in dark resin.
hat tip to @toddlyons for the link. I wanted to add a comment to this excellent run down of the OGL and the industry. However, it gets one point wrong.
"But, there’s a reason that Creative Commons hasn’t caught on further: you have to either be committed to releasing your entire content into the Creative Comments ... or you have to carefully construct an SRD for each publication so that you only release certain content"
This is false. And this falsehood seems to have spread far and wide like an ear worm. To clarify, you can specify what is and is not under the license. It is your work, you can delineate it however you want.
Alternate titles:
Is There an Escape Room in This Prison?
The Cable Management in Here Is Horrible
Dirty 20 - Pristine 4
Prisoner 242
#Prisoner13 #KeysFromTheGoldenVault #DnD DM @TSindelar with @ScriptoriumGirl @ThatChipGuy @HollyGoDarkly @lincolnlhayes and @monty https://www.theincomparable.com/tpk/492