It's still Monday somewhere, right? #PopMonday #VideoGames
RIIZE - Lucky
cw: flashing/strobing background lights, flashing effects
Sure, RIIZE is a Kpop group, but this is one of their Japanese release, so Jpop tag. There's also a Trolls version which is even more video game-y, but I kinda hate it, so you're "stuck" with this MV.
In a previous conversation I mentioned that as well as preferring Kpop to Jpop on the whole, I also find the latter difficult to locate and follow.
One resource I do use for the discovery of new Jpop is the round up of new Jpop releases that Nick James writes every Sunday on his blog otherwise devoted to Kpop, The Bias List:
My main reason for following that blog is my finding the author's tastes and interests overlap with, but are not identical to, my own and his ability to write about kpop in an informed , lively, and mature fashion. He also has some excellent commenters on his site too.
Do you know The Bias List? if you do , please forgive me for clogging up your timeline!
Naaw cute
‘natori - Overdose’ by SHOTARO
Which reminds me .. what are Riize up to? .. I'm out of the loop!
Been spending the last month moving around and reorganizing my music shelves. It's mostly done at this point.
Top Left: K-Pop shelves.
Top Right: Majority of my vinyl collection
Bottom Left: J-Pop, K-Pop, Future Funk, Anime vinyl shelves
Bottom Right: CD Shelves
I was supposed to post the #JMusicFriday theme yesterday but I fell asleep prematurely.
It's not easy being old....
Let's use this as the theme... #OldPeople
Post japanese songs either made by old people or about getting older...
Morning musical moment brought to me by Neth Priere Cain as Valhalla was in my head
Woke up with that guitar solo going.
I really do enjoy this song.
It's Monday so it's time for #MoodMusicMonday! Today's mood is "fuzzy!"
Post a song/songs that you think fit "fuzzy"! It can be about feeling fuzzy in your brain, or warm and fuzzy in your heart, it can be about being fuzzy, or fuzzy animals or maybe the history of the song is fuzzy or whatever! The song can itself could sound fuzzy or just remind you of fuzziness. You can interpret the mood any way you want!
There are no wrong answers!
Remember to include the hashtag #MoodMusicMonday and the mood "fuzzy".
ME:I are a Jpop group who emerged from a Korean-Japanese co produced Produce 101 show. They are very Kpopish. I really like this stage : 【歌枠】卒業シーズン!新たな門出を迎えるみんなに届けたい曲を歌う!【珠乃井ナナ / にじさんじ】 #jpop #KPOP女性アイドルランキング #nijisanji #VTuber #アニソン #アニメソング #カラオケ #たまのいなな #タママン #ナナ(Nana) #にじさんじ #バラード #バンド #卒業ソング #応援ソング #歌 #歌枠 #珠乃井ナナ #韓国の女性メンバー人気No.1は?
This morning, woke up with the tune of Neth Priere Cain's "La Pucelle d'Orleans" blasting in my head.
Good stuff.
Today @kingu gave us a JMusic Friday theme of "Time."
Not to sound like a broken record, since I also posted it earlier this week...but "Magic Clock" by f5ve (pronounced five) was too fitting not to include.
#JIdol #Yurapico #ゆらぴこ #YuraSmile
#JMusicFriday #Time
ゆらぴこ『Beautiful Days』【MUSIC VIDEO 】
For Timezone related reasons, many people get the #JMusicFriday theme a bit late as my morning is their afternoon...
For this reason, I will start posting it on what is my Thursday evening from now on :)
Happy Friday! The theme for today is #time
Post the Japanese song that the concept of time makes you think of.
Do you know this Jpop group?
They've just released the MV for "Magic Clock" which I find OK, but like less than "Underground" or "Lettuce".