Parade in Swords Main Street today #StPatricksDay2025 #StPatricksDay #Swords #Dublin #LáFhéilePádraig #PaddysDay #Mastodaoine #PaddysDayParade
Parade in Swords Main Street today #StPatricksDay2025 #StPatricksDay #Swords #Dublin #LáFhéilePádraig #PaddysDay #Mastodaoine #PaddysDayParade
Tea and Sympathy is a drawing in coloured pencils showing two hands holding steaming cups of tea with a teapot partly visible.
Doodled some new box art in Tralee of Scotia, the Egyptian royal from Irish mythology who, while pregnant, fought in a battle and died just outside Tralee - her grave is said to be marked by a large stone in Scotia's Glen. There is also a belief that she is linked to the name of Scotland, through her descendants. Thanks @nonfaction for coordinating!
Tintas/ Paints .
Tubes of paint.
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Big news coming very soon! Make sure to keep an eye on your emails for our next newsletter. Get ready for #Octocon2025
Drawing - Ink And Charcoal On Paper.
Hunger is a drawing in ink and charcoal showing black hands holding a belly glowing white with hunger, a reflection on increasing hunger where I live in Brazil, after hunger being practically eradicated over the last thirty years.
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Last month's (belated) #newsletter is out now, featuring Ireland's breeches-wearing, gambling aviatrix, licking lizards, and why a bout of scarlet fever might encourage you to make a donkey swallow a hair. Sign up for the next edition for free here:
A busy coffee shop in São Paulo, Baristas serve expresso, café, coffee, to couples, families, the general public.
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#coffee #cafe #café #coffeeshop
#BuyIntoArt #art #MastoArt #MastoDaoine #FediShop
A female figure representing spring holding a flowering plant, in green, brown and blue.
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Cigarettes and Whiskey, Crows and Blues.
A man sits on his porch playing blues guitar accompanied by two crows.
Original art made by hand.
Forever is Composed of Nows.
Acrylic on paper.
The title of an Emily Dickinson poem about forever and now inspired this painting about time, represented by clocks, a clock headed man, on a stairs, beside a grandfather clock, moving towards a door.
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#clock #FediGiftShop #forever #composed #nows #time #clocks #jamesmccormackartist #MastoDaoine #man #always #eternity #stairs #steps #BuyIntoArt #emilydickinson #poem #grandfatherclock #door
Jazz Symphonic Orchestra
Jazz Symphonic Orchestra of Sao Paulo
Orquestra Jazz Sinfonica de Sao Paulo
Sketches done live during a concert, watercolour completed later.
#JazzSymphonicOrchestra #SaoPaulo
#OrquestraJazzSinfonica #BuyIntoArt #concert #watercolour #FediGiftShop #doublebass #violin #woodwind #MastoDaoine #Mastoart #guitar #trombone #jamesmccormackartist
Alameda Ribeirao Preto is a watercolour of a leafy street in Sao Paulo city, Brazil, central, sunny, in the neighbourhood of Bela Vista, where trees and houses form a village atmosphere against a backdrop of tall modern buildings.
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#AlamedaRibeiraoPreto #watercolour #SaoPauloCity #BuyIntoArt #Brazil #FediArtShop #BelaVista #Mastodaoine #MastoArt #jamesmccormackartist
I Drink and Dream of Dancing Turtle.
Painting in acrylic of a woman dressed in a long dress of orange and yellow, she dreams of blue water around her as she watches a dancing turtle.
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#drink #dream #dancing #turtles #BuyIntoArt #MastoArt #MastoDaoine #Fedigiftship
PSA for our communities: "Heads-up to Dublin bookshops: American white man, 60s-ish, fairly tall, shoulder length greying hair, homophobic and confrontational, verbally abusive over the Pride reading guide."
For anyone who may be in the market for books - via Raven Books bookshop in Dublin.
cc @PantiBliss