Dropped off food rescue at the free fridge last night.
It was a buzz with activity when I got there!
Some folks were dropping off food. Others were picking up food.
I ran into a woman who was doing food rescue and had just dropped off about a hundred baked goods.
I spoke with a man who made it a normal part of his shopping to buy in bulk for the savings and then take a portion of those bulk purchases to drop off at the fridge. He got way more food than he would get at retail prices (even with sharing a lot with his neighbors). Annnnd he didn't waste any food from the bulk order. Win/win all around.
I spoke with a woman who has picking up food for her family and neighbors. She had some bulk rice that she was going to use tonight's dish and that she was going to give the rest to her nextdoor neighbor for their dinner.
I met a gentleman who picked up some donuts that were just dropped off along with a couple beef stew packets and some canned vegetables. He was using some of the boxes that were left over from previous drop offs to package up some of the food to take home.
I'm loving how the free fridge is not just a place to drop off and share food and then leave, but its becoming a little neighborhood meeting place.
Go there when no ones there to drop off or grab food in solitary comfort. Or go there when others are there to chat and share neighborhood news!