Crossposting this here from my other accounts:
Surviving fascism is hard. One thing we need to remember is to not comply when possible.
Some of these executive orders are illegal (as in only Congress has power over that), and others may not be enforceable, or can be sued to maybe stop them.
We also need to plan together on how to survive.
Assist community initiatives if you can:
1. Join a mask bloc. They also help distribute supplies, teaching events, and organize with other community groups.
2. Set up a free community fridge, mini-pantry, and/or mini-library with your neighbors.
3. Reach out to disabled/homebound people. We're often isolated with little resources. Talk with us, include us in initiatives, utilize our talents, and make sure we have access to supplies and assistance. Include us in the evacuation/safety plans. Don't abandon us please.
4. Make a safety plan.
What is a safety plan?
A safety plan depends on where you live. For friends in California, they may focus on evacuation from fires. For me, I deal with tornadoes or floods.
List items you need for any evacuation. Make sure you include how you'll evacuation your pets. Map several escape routes.
An escape route is ways to leave your area safely. If you do not have a vehicle, work with friends to build a shared plan, so you and them can help each other evacuate safely.
Be sure to include your medicines and medical equipment. Include any portable harddrives (back up your work often).
Keep your evacuation bag in an easy to grab spot, and make sure it's stocked at all times. (Include snacks, clothing, water, pet supplies in the bag with your medical needs.)
Practice with your pets so they are used to a harness and leash and/or able to get into a carrier quickly.
For those that may need to stay in place, I'd still make an evacuation bag, but it'll be a bag you grab for when you need to hide in the basement or bathroom.
For those in tornado alley, if you do not have a basement, I recommend a bathroom with no windows. I sit in the tub with my cats and bag.
A safety plan can really help alleviate that anxiety and possible panic during a crisis where you need to get out fast or stay in place.
For disabled people we need to make our plans with friends/family we trust to follow through in honoring the plan. Our ability to survive relies on that.
By working together as a community, we can survive this. We need to have each others' backs. This means we need to check in with each other. We need to learn one another's boundaries and honor them.
We need to make sure each of us has access to supplies and resources for survival.
Leave no one behind is a motto within disability justice since disabled people are often abandoned.
When you plan community events, safety/evacuation plans, and other initiatives, check if you are being accessible and inclusive for disabled/homebound people.
5. Security culture. There are safe ways to organize. The Signal app is encrypted and a great tool for staying safe while organizing your community groups.
Avoid using google, meta apps, and bluesky for planning/organizing.
Cryptpad can work for an secure alternate to the googlesuite.
I may talk about security culture in more depth a different day. My illness is flaring again.
This thread will hopefully get people thinking about ways they can act instead of catastrophize.
We are not helpless, we can work together to survive.
As Mariame Kaba wrote, "Hope is a discipline."
P.S. I wrote this recently; it has more tips on different ways to act and help out your community:
Don't overwhelm yourself. This is a marathon not a sprint. Choose one or two things you can commit to and focus on those. Take breaks and rest to avoid burnout. Be safe.
#Organizing #CommunityCare #SafetyPlans #Safety #Community
(Also uploaded this here: )