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Beautiful, beautiful ritual today for local legend the Art Fool (@artfool_ on the other place). There's always some pressure tattooing other artists, particularly those with incredible technique and talent who mentor lots of up and coming young artists. He's someone I look up to & it was an honor to hold this space for him in such a transitional time. Simple, beautiful sigil.

May what thou wilt manifest, dear one ✨

Still booking for April! Email to inquire 🖤

[Review] We not only learn about Michelle Tea’s life, but also how those experiences shaped her practice, how her practice evolved, and how she evolved as a person as well. However, there is none of that holier than thou attitude that some might expect. Quite the opposite, in fact.


The Wild Hunt · Review: Michelle Tea's "Modern Magic"By Alan U. Dalul

Witches & that sort,
You're invited to a social justice hexing discord server.
If adding pictures, please add descriptions. I generally write out the description in the post body.
There is no three fold law, karma, & that sort in this discord so please note, it might not be the place for you & your practice. Everyone is welcome. No trash talk, no criticizing practices, don't claim to be something you aren't.

Read the rules & leave an emoji.
#Witch #Witchcraft #pagan

DiscordJoin the Hexin' & Vexin' Discord Server!Check out the Hexin' & Vexin' community on Discord - hang out with 9 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.
Myths. Creating new stories based in stories as old as humans of our interconnectedness with nature. Care, love, deep feelings of being one with the stones, trees, moss and birds.

This goddess collage is a dream, rooted in the roots of our origin. She is not above, there is no hierachy. She is cosmos. It is a dream and manifestation of how we will return to live within the cycles and with deep love and respect for the planet and all our fellow beings.

#collage #collages #papercollage #analogcollage #handmade #collageartist #dream #dreams #ecofeminism #feminism #intersectionalfeminism #collagespells #magick #magic #interconnected #nature #stones #crystals #planet #planets #paperart #art #witch #witchcraft #witches #slowart #myth #myths #goddess #deity #cosmos

I have the immense privilege of living with one of my recent new tattoo clients for a while, and getting a deeper look into the emotional shift and spiritual transformation that occurs after our ritual is complete. It is also a reminder to me to be clear with my clients about what to expect from in-depth tattoo ritual - because the work does not end when the ritual does.

We pulled through imagery related to self-love and purpose, and it was clear during our channeling that she needed the ritual to be focused on reclaiming agency and releasing shame that was hindering her from truly engaging deeply with her purpose and relationships. When we sat down to meditate before tattooing, the element of water was coming through her solar plexus, the place where the tattoo was to be located. Her menstrual cycle was over 80 days late, presumably the result of stress being held deep in body tissues and alerting the nervous system.

The ritual was beautiful, loving, intimate, and it felt like we'd known one another forever. I feel truly blessed to do this work. She is brilliantly pleased with the tattoo, but is navigating intense dreams, others in her life visiting her in her dreams (and remembering it!), a sense of dissolution of Self, and moments of intense emotional release. And the day after the ritual, her cycle returned. At breakfast this morning she mentioned that she felt like this was preparation for the transformation we've called upon, but that there are aspects of it that are pulling up unexpected things, and we discussed that this process may take time to truly culminate in concrete rebirth. This does not just happen overnight, and often we must earn these passages through iterations of ourselves.

This is another spiritual worker, someone who is no stranger to ritual, embodiment, magick, and she was surprised to find tattooing as a modality so powerful. But it truly is - when done correctly, and with intention. But like other spiritual experiences, the ceremony itself is not the end. The real work happens after the hormone rush of tattooing, when you return to your life and navigate the path towards your intention. Doing the work of working with your newly embodied intention is as important as the practitioner's own psychic ability and spiritual container.

This is why I've shifted to offering levels of iniation: because I cannot in good conscience hold everyone in this kind of intense ritual. I do hope, though, that through offering less participatory rites I can begin to welcome beings on a path towards readiness, a path towards accepting and honing their Divine power, and that there is the opportunity for us to collaborate in stages that honor where you are at in existent state.

There is a tool here for liberation of consciousness and community that is often misused or overlooked, but this week has been a blessed reminder of this practice's purpose and place in this crazy world we live in.

Linolprint habe ich bisher nie gemacht, da ich dafür die Linolplatten und spezielle Linolfarbe neu kaufen müsste.
Als ich aber in der Klinik war, wollte ich es ausprobieren, da es neben Körbe flechten und Töpfern, echt das Interessanteste war.

Die Platten zu schnitzen machte mir mehr Spaß als das Printen. Was aber auch damit zu tun hatte, dass die Klinik zwar Linolprint angeboten hat, es aber keine Linolfarben oder Druckerpresse gab.

Die ersten Prints musste ich mit Acrylfarben und ohne Presse machen, was echt wurstig war. Meine Ergotherapeutin war allerdings mega und brachte mir ihre privaten Linolfarben und Presse mit, so dass ich dann doch noch akzeptable Prints machen konnte.

Seither versuche ich, einen Weg zu finden ohne Linolplatten, ohne spezielle Presse oder Linolfarben zu printen. Momentan spare ich auf eine Nudelmaschine 😄 da sie eine gute Alternative zur Druckerpresse ist. Vorallem sind die preislich und secondhand eher zu bekommen.

Schreibt mir gerne eure Ideen 🖤✨

#linolprint #printing #linol #handmade #handmadeprints #print #linolcutting #linolcut #handmadehamburg #diyprints #diy #diyprinting #witchcraft #witchcrafting #craftingwitch #witchesinthewoods #heartprint #anatomicheart

#fedicoven Q20 What are your thoughts on the ethics of love potions and spells?

I get requests for love potions this time of year and have to explain this doesn't work with the way I view love and even if it did, I would not create it. Love is cosmic. Meaning, you can illuminate and embrace, but you cannot force it. All I can do is aid in seeing what is already there. Like parting the clouds to show the stars. So, that is what I made:


Recyclingpapier ♻️🖤

Die Fotos sind vom letzten Jahr. Ich kann leider nur Papier machen, wenn es draußen heiß ist und nicht regnet, da ich sie Seiten auf meinem Balkon (ohne Dach) trocknen muss.
Dieses Jahr mach ich vieles anders und auch neue Fotos kommen 😊

Was ich benutze:
🔸sauberen Papiermüll
(ohne Essensreste- das gammelt)
🔸gr. Plastikbox vom blauweißen Möbelhaus
🔸trockene Geschirrtücher
🔸alten Bettbezug (zum Trocknen)
🔸Rahmen mit Netz (meiner ist ein Leinwandrahmen mit Fliegennetz bespannt)

Wie ich das mache:
🔸Altpapier klein reißen, 1-2Std in heißem Wasser einweichen
🔸Wasser abschütten, eingeweichtes Papier pürieren
🔸1 oder 2 Esslöffel Kleisterpulver in die pürierte Masse rühren
🔸Wanne ca zur Hälfte mit Wasser füllen
(ich hab die Mische auf den Fotos mit 2/3 Wasser auf 1/3 Brei gemacht)
🔸Den Rahmen in die Mische tauchen, Wasser ablaufen lassen
🔸Rahmen mit der Brei-Seite auf den Stoff drücken. Mit einem trockenen Tuch von hinten auf das Netz tupfen, bis der Brei sich von alleine löst und auf dem Stoff klebt.
🔸Stoff mit den nassen Seiten zum trocknen aufhängen, in die Sonne legen
🔸Die Seiten lösen sich von alleine, wenn sie komplett getrocknet sind

Die Seiten auf den Fotos sehen ziemlich grob aus, da ich zum trocknen Handtücher benutzt habe. Umso feiner der Stoff ist, auf dem die Seiten trocknen, umso glatter wird das Papier. Ich werde diesen Sommer alte glatte Bettbezüge benutzen. Statt dem groben Fliegengitter, werde ich mir alten Strumpfhosen herum experimentieren.

Falls ihr Ideen und Tipps habt, schreibt sie gerne in die Kommentare 🖤

#recyclingpaper #recycling #paper #diy #diypaper #crafting #craftingpaper #papertrash #handmade #handmadepaper #recyclingideas #witchcraft #craftingwitch #hamburghandmade

It finally came it!!! I'm going to page through this to see if I find anything useful in any capacity.

I'm a #childfree #Neurodivergent #LGBTQIA #kinkster #LeatherBoy #pagan researching #Witchcraft. I support #Leftist #Activism rooted in #Intersectionality. I'm also open to #polyamory.

I acknowledge my #privileged identities as a cis, white, able-bodied man.

Has anyone else tried reading through this yet? If not I'll try to post my thoughts and any inspiration.